2S Pro Business Strategy Experts
We are a 360ᵒ Business Strategy Firm covering all the vital services fields in order to lead our clients to progress and success
2S Pro Business Strategy Experts
2S Pro is a Business Strategy Firm that employs the best Experts in order to offer state of the art services. Talk to us if you are looking for funding or wish to create a new web product for your company. We can design the best strategy in order for your Company to grow and create value.
Business Strategy Services
From 2014 we are one of the few real boutique Business Strategy Firms. We specialize on designing unique business concepts in the form of services or software in order to either grow our internal business or assist our Clients to become competitive, address a new market and grow their business. We deliver the concept, the funding and the go to market strategy and are also able to provide business development support.
B2B E-Tool
B2B GROWTH PRO is our state of the art e-tool especially designed to connect Buyers and Vendors. Through the platform a Buyer can upload a request for quotation or launch an auction while a Vendor can send multiple offers and bid in auctions. The platform also offers a Sales Team which clients can hire in order to develop their service and an on line Training course for Sales Teams that wish to learn how to generate sales through LinkedIn and Telephone Calls.
Blockchain Educational Platform
Crypto Basics is our on line educational platform about the basics of the blockchain especially designed for new crypto enthusiasts. Through the platform the students can watch our series of on line lessons and learn the basics of the blockchain, learn how to register in exchanges and train on how to buy,store and sell any type of cryptocurrency. Furthermore through our on line store the students can order their hardware wallets.
Blockchain Consulting and Newsletter
Crypto Advanced is our Blockchain Consulting Service. Our team provides advanced consulting services and is able to design Fin-tech Concepts, Exchange Concepts and Wallet Concepts. Furthermore the team publishes a monthly newsletter with the latest analysis about the Business Applications of the Blockchain and on how blockchain is going to disrupt the traditional business and currency models.